Friday, July 17, 2009


Oh it's friday!
At night, went to Sri Ananda Bahwan for dinner with Joon, Wei, Jon, BJ, Zhekang and Beh. Chit chatted and busy snapping pics =]

After dinner, went to Gurney to meet up with the rest. They were at Mcd, so we just chilled there before the movie starts. Met a lot of friends there, what a coincidence! All of us were going to watch movie, but different movies.

I just pop out and ruined the pic =P
Thats what they said! But i just love doing that. Haha!
The black assassins: Zhekang, Joon and Wei (left)
Random poseee: BJ, Joon and I (right)
Trying out someone's glassless specs (left)
Tiger Beer ad: take #? (right)

Thats right! We went to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. 11 of us =)
Ok, I did enjoy the overall scenes. Very fantasy & magical. The thing is I dont really understand the story. Well I dont read the books.. But it is advisable that you dont read the book before you watch the movie, because movie cut off a lot of interesting parts in the book,
you'll be disappointed.

After movie, some frenzy was going on!

Headed to Subaidah for a drink. YeeEn, Ken, Eevon and their friends were with us.
Chatting again =)
Jon, Zhekang, Wei and I had a sleepover at Joon's house.

Snap & Sleep!


Jonathan Chong said...

EVERYBODY loves friday !!
again this friday ? hahah

Jennifer Tan said...

Noooo please Nooo! Lets study all right? XD

Wing Yern said...

Next time we go over and trash jon's place!
Jen: Ahem ahem it's Friday, what are u waiting forrr?

Jonathan Chong said...

finals in two weeks time