I watched Twilight again this morning, love love!
Cant wait for New Moon to be released, that's in November. Some people said they expect a more beautiful and perfect Edward Cullen in the movie as they read in the book, but i said Robert played a very good role there. Well, he's not bad looking! I mean everyone have their own different imagination of how Edward Cullen looks like. And I also realised that Stephanie actually shown herself in Twilight! For a few seconds! HAHA... I felt like it's a discovery for me, woohoo. Recently, Penang has also become more like Forks, it rains almost everyday and the sky is gloomy always. Oh! The dark clouds! I actually like this kind of weather, but it makes me lazier due to the cooling effect. Luckily im not having class this week, so i could stuck myself at home enjoying the perfect weather =D Hopefully it doesnt cause flood in my housing area. I abhor exposing myself under the rain, the situation where your body is covered by drizzle of raindrops, half wet and very sticky... Yuck!
I think i need to work out more, my intake is more than my output. Very unhealthy i know =/
where where where did u see stephanie meyer?? which scene??
In the cafeteria where Bella and her dad have their dinner at for the second time. Mike and his friends are outside the cafeteria.
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